The operations of the UlysesCloud public API allow other companies to Integrate their products. The available methods are listed here:
- Accommodation Endpoints
- Accounting Endpoints
- Account Receivable Endpoints
- Account Receivable Payment Endpoints
- Allotment Endpoints
- Availability Endpoints
- Billing Payment Endpoints
- Board Endpoints
- Budget Endpoints
- Cashier Endpoints
- Chain Channel Endpoints
- Chain Offer Endpoints
- ChainProfileGroup Endpoints
- Chain Promotion Endpoints
- Chain Rate Endpoints
- Chain Room Type Endpoints
- Chain Room Type Group Endpoints
- Chain Segment Endpoints
- Chain Source Endpoints
- Chain VIP Level Endpoints
- Channel Endpoints
- Company Endpoints
- Custom endpoints
- Customer Endpoints
- CustomField Endpoints
- Deposit Endpoints
- Expenses endpoints
- Family Relationship Endpoints
- Folio Endpoints
- Invoice Endpoints
- Invoice Type Endpoints
- Merge Audit
- Municipality Endpoints
- Note Endpoints
- Offer Endpoints
- Payment Endpoints
- PBX Endpoints
- Ping [GET]
- Policy Endpoints
- Posting endpoints
- Product Endpoints
- Promotion Endpoints
- Property Endpoints
- Rate Endpoints
- Find Price for Rate by base accommodation [GET]
- Find Price for Rate by base price [GET]
- Find Price for Rate by Occupancy [GET]
- Rate GetById [GET]
- Rate List [GET]
- ReferenceRate [GET]
- ReferenceRate By RoomType [GET]
- Update price for Rate by base accommodation [PUT]
- Update Price for Rate By BaseAccommodation type [PUT]
- Update price for Rate by base price [PUT]
- Update Price for Rate By BasePrice type [PUT]
- Update price for Rate by occupancy [PUT]
- Update RateProductOccupancyAvailabilityInterval [PUT]
- Reservation Endpoints
- Add Service to ReservationRoomStay [POST]
- Assign Room to ReservationRoomStay [POST]
- Cancel Reservation [PUT]
- CheckIn the ReservationRoomStay [PUT]
- Deposit List from Reservation [GET]
- Deposit List from ReservationRoomStay [GET]
- Expenses from invoice of the ReservationRoomStay [GET]
- Guest list from Reservation Room Stay [GET]
- Payment of ReservationRoomStay [PUT]
- Policy Charges Cancellation Summary [GET]
- Proforma Expenses List from ReservationRoomStay [GET]
- Proforma List from Reservation [GET]
- Proforma List from ReservationRoomStay [GET]
- Reservation By Id [GET]
- Reservation List [GET]
- Reservation List by Chain [GET]
- Reservation List by Service Product [GET]
- ReservationRoomStay By Id [GET]
- ReservationRoomStay List [GET]
- ReservationRoomStay List by Chain [GET]
- ReservationRoomStay List By Service Product [GET]
- ReservationRoomStaySummary By CardId [GET]
- ReservationRoomStaySummary By Id [GET]
- ReservationRoomStaySummary List [GET]
- Reservation Save [POST]
- Reservation Situation Type List [GET]
- ReservationSummary By Id [GET]
- ReservationSummary List [GET]
- Reverse check In of the Reservation Room Stay [PUT]
- Save Reservation Deposit [POST]
- Self room assignment of the Reservation Room Stay [PUT]
- Unassign a room from a Reservation Room Stay [PUT]
- Update Reservation adding Guarantee and Deposit [PUT]
- Update ReservationRoomStayGuest [PUT]
- Update Reservation Situation [PUT]
- Update Reservation Type [PUT]
- Update Single ReservationRoomStayGuest [PUT]
- Upload file to ReservationRoomStay [POST]
- Reservation Group Endpoints
- Reservation Type Endpoints
- Revenue Endpoints
- Room Endpoints
- Room Mode Endpoints
- Room Type Endpoints
- Segment Endpoints
- Service Endpoints
- Source Endpoints
- Space Endpoints
- StateProv Endpoints
- System Endpoints
- BillingType List [GET]
- CancellationReasonType List [GET]
- CommunicationLocationType List [GET]
- Country List [GET]
- Currency List [GET]
- DocumentType List [GET]
- DocumentType Validate [GET]
- EmailAddressType List [GET]
- GenderType List [GET]
- Language List [GET]
- PaymentType List [GET]
- PhoneTechType List [GET]
- Product Type List [GET]
- ProfileType List [GET]
- Reservation StatusType List [GET]
- Room Situation Type List [GET]
- RoomSpaceStatusType List [GET]
- Space Lock Status Type List [GET]
- Space Lock Type List [GET]