ReservationRoomStaySummary By CardId [GET]
Get a single element of ReservationSummary by its cardId
Property | Type | Required | Type parameter | Default value | Description |
chainId | String | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the chain. | |
propertyId | Integer | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the property. | |
cardId | String | true | request parameter | Unique identificator of the card. |
Example request
The response is an entity of type ReservationRoomStaySummary or an error if it's not found.
Field Type Required Description id Integer true Unique identifier for the ReservationRoomStaySummary. reservationRoomStay ReservationRoomStay The object of the related ReservationRoomStay. Usually it will come null to avoid long unnecessary objects. reservationRoomStayId String The Id of the related ReservationRoomStay. reservation Reservation The object of the related Reservation. Usually it will come null to avoid long unnecessary objects. reservationId Integer The Id of the related Reservation. pmsLocator String The locator assigned by the PMS. crsLocator String The locator assigned by the CRS. otaLocator String The locator assigned by the OTA. cmLocator String The locator assigned by the CM. holder String Holder name. arrival LocalDate departure LocalDate nights Integer productAccommodation Accommodation The room that is going to be charged to the client. productAccommodationUpgrade Accommodation The room upgrade that the client got. roomType RoomType adult Integer junior Integer child Integer infant Integer extraBed Integer extraCot Integer board Board guest String allotment Allotment rate Rate offer Offer promotion Promotion accommodationAmount BigDecimal Price of the accommodation products. boardAmount BigDecimal Price of the boards. serviceAmount BigDecimal Price of the services. totalAmount BigDecimal Total price. totalPaid BigDecimal Total paid. balance BigDecimal Balance. currency Currency booker Company billTo Company company Company central Company room Room paymentType PaymentType propertyPolicy Policy propertySource Source propertyChannel Channel propertySegment Segment reservationStatusType ReservationStatusType reservationType ReservationType expiredDate LocalDate hasCredit Boolean creditAvailable BigDecimal In case there's a limit of credit for the roomStay, this is the subtraction of the limit minus the amount of credit spent on the folios related to this roomStay. customerPrefererence String Preferences of customer, separated by commas
Example response
{ "id": 3, "reservationRoomStay": null, "reservationRoomStayId": 3, "reservation": { "id": 3, "reservationHolder": { "id": 3, "documentNumber": null, "givenName": "Joan", "surName": "Marie-hélène", "secondSurName": "Perez", "street": null, "city": null, "stateProvName": null, "stateProvCode": null, "postalCode": null, "countryCode": "GF", "email": "", "phoneNumber": "1-(505)184-7495", "language": null, "documentType": null }, "pmsLocator": "ALI00000003", "crsLocator": null, "otaLocator": null, "cmLocator": null, "accommodationAmount": null, "boardAmount": null, "serviceAmount": null, "totalAmount": null, "totalPaid": null, "balance": null, "remark": "ReservationRoomStay remarks", "createdDate": "2021-11-10T12:33:47.637Z", "modifiedDate": null, "reservationRoomStayList": null }, "reservationId": 3, "reservationGroup": null, "pmsLocator": "ALI00000003/3", "crsLocator": null, "otaLocator": null, "cmLocator": null, "holder": "Marie-hélène Perez, Joan", "arrival": "2021-10-11", "departure": "2021-10-14", "nights": 3, "productAccommodation": { "id": 677, "name": "Single", "roomType": { "id": 2, "name": "Single", "nameI18n": "Single", "mainImage": "1/2/propertyroomtypeimages/cecb533a-58e9-4dbb-b957-4ee121e397cc.jpg" } }, "productAccommodationUpgrade": null, "roomType": { "id": 2, "name": "Single", "nameI18n": "Single", "mainImage": "1/2/propertyroomtypeimages/cecb533a-58e9-4dbb-b957-4ee121e397cc.jpg" }, "adult": 1, "junior": 0, "child": 0, "infant": 0, "extraBed": 0, "extraCot": 0, "board": { "id": 5, "code": "RO", "name": "Room Only", "serviceList": null }, "guest": "Françoise Kennedy, Willie", "allotment": null, "rate": { "id": 2, "code": "BAR", "name": "Best Available Rate", "rateType": { "id": 13, "code": "SEN", "name": "Senior citizen" } }, "offer": { "id": 2, "code": "NR", "name": "Non Refundable" }, "promotion": null, "accommodationAmount": 480.600000, "boardAmount": 0.000000, "serviceAmount": 0.000000, "totalAmount": 480.600000, "totalPaid": 380.600000, "balance": 100.000000, "currency": { "id": 1, "code": "EUR", "name": "Euro", "nameI18n": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "decimalPlaces": 2 }, "booker": null, "billTo": null, "central": null, "company": { "id": 417, "name": "Trunyx", "code": "TRUNY3", "taxId": "50362395", "companyEmailList": [ { "id": 417, "primary": true, "emailAddressType": { "id": 1, "code": "1", "name": "Personal", "nameI18n": "Personal" }, "email": "", "remark": null } ], "companyAddressList": [ { "id": 417, "primary": true, "communicationLocationType": { "id": 1, "code": "1", "name": "Home", "nameI18n": "Home" }, "street": "9 Chinook Junction", "city": "Des Moines", "stateProvName": "Iowa", "stateProvCode": null, "postalCode": "50362", "countryCode": "GW", "remark": "Address Remark" } ], "companyPhoneList": [ { "id": 417, "primary": true, "phoneLocationType": { "id": 6, "code": "6", "name": "Home", "nameI18n": "Home" }, "phoneTechType": { "id": 1, "code": "1", "name": "Voice", "nameI18n": "Voice" }, "countryAccessCode": "+34", "areaCityCode": "B", "phoneNumber": "1-(515)746-4886", "extension": "1", "remark": "Phone Remark" } ], "companyTaxAddress": { "id": 398, "communicationLocationType": null, "street": "9 Chinook Junction", "city": "Des Moines", "stateProvName": "Iowa", "stateProvCode": null, "postalCode": "50362", "countryCode": "PH", "remark": "Address Remark" }, "remark": "Company Remarks", "assignedUser": null, "profileType": { "id": 2, "code": "2", "name": "Company", "nameI18n": "Company", "colorCode": "#00ACC1" }, "companyCustomFieldValueList": null }, "room": { "id": 6, "code": "106", "name": "106", "roomSpaceStatusType": { "id": 2, "code": "DI", "name": "Dirty", "nameI18n": "Dirty" }, "reservationRoomStay": null, "roomSituationType": { "id": 2, "code": "OC", "name": "Occupied", "nameI18n": "Occupied" } }, "paymentType": { "id": 1, "code": "G", "name": "Pay Guest", "nameI18n": "Pay Guest" }, "propertyPolicy": { "id": 7, "code": "NR", "name": "Non Refundable" }, "propertySource": { "id": 12, "code": "EMA", "name": "Email" }, "propertyChannel": { "id": 12, "code": "WEBM", "name": "Booking Engine Mobile" }, "propertySegment": { "id": 23, "code": "SPO", "name": "Sport Teams" }, "reservationStatusType": { "id": 5, "code": "CO", "name": "CheckedOut", "nameI18n": "CheckedOut", "colorCode": "#757575" }, "reservationType" : { "id": 2, "chainId": 1, "propertyId": 2, "code": "PREVIEW", "name": "Pending Review", "colorCode": "#FDD835", "active": true }, "expiredDate": null, "hasCredit": true, "creditAvailable": null }