Reservation Save [POST]
Save a Reservation.
Property | Type | Required | Type parameter | Default value | Description |
chainId | int | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the chain. | |
propertyId | int | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the property. | |
sendEmail | Boolean | false | request parameter | false | send confirmation email after save reservation. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | int | false | Unique identificator of the Reservation. |
property | Property | false | Property data. |
reservationHolder | ReservationHolder | false | Holder profile of this Reservation. |
pmsLocator | string | false | Locator of the PMS. |
crsLocator | string | false | Locator of the CRS. |
otaLocator | string | false | Locator of the OTA. |
cmLocator | string | false | Locator of the CM. |
accommodationAmount | bigDecimal | false | Accomodation total amount of the Reservation. |
boardAmount | bigDecimal | false | Board total amount of the Reservation. |
serviceAmount | bigDecimal | false | Service total amount of the Reservation. |
totalAmount | bigDecimal | false | Total amount of the Reservation. |
remark | string | false | |
reservationRoomStayList | Array of ReservationRoomStay | true | |
reservationGuaranteeCardList | Array of ReservationGuaranteeCard | false | |
createdDate | LocalDateTime | false | Date of creation. |
modifiedDate | LocalDateTime | false | Date of modiffication. |
deposit | ReservationDeposit | false |
Take in consideratiion: if you add Deposit, you have to make configuration at Settings > Property > Preferences tab > BIlling Information section.
Example request
The example that will be sent in the operation
{ "reservationHolder": { "documentNumber": "123456789A", "givenName": "Ronald", "surName": "Zhì", "secondSurName": "Arnold", "street": null, "city": null, "stateProvName": null, "stateProvCode": null, "postalCode": null, "countryCode": "CL", "email": "", "phoneNumber": "1-(301)620-1948", "language": null, "documentType": null }, "pmsLocator": "SEP00001111", "remark": "Reservation remarks", "reservationRoomStayList": [ { "arrival": "2023-09-11", "departure": "2023-09-13", "arrivalTime": null, "departureTime": null, "reservationSituationType":{ "code":"PRO" }, "quantity": 1, "adult": 2, "junior": 1, "child": 1, "infant": 1, "remark": "room stay remarks", "mainBoard": { "id": 7 }, "accommodation": { "id": 692 }, "mainBooker": { "id": 36 }, "mainBillTo": { "id": 36 }, "mainCentral": { "id": 36 }, "mainCompany": { "id": 36 }, "mainRate": { "id": 2 }, "mainOffer": { "id": 2 }, "mainPromotion": { "id": 2 }, "reservationRoomStayGuests": [ { "documentType": { "id": 5 }, "documentNumber": "PYXfztNL", "givenName": "Daniel", "surName": "Léonore", "secondSurName": "Matthews", "genderType": { "id": 1 }, "birthDate": "2004-10-10", "birthCountryCode": "ES", "birthPlace": "Boston", "effectiveDate": "2021-10-10", "expireDate": "2024-10-10", "street": "875 Karstens Road", "city": "Boston", "stateProvName": null, "stateProvCode": "ES-SG", "countryCode": "ES", "postalCode": "2203", "nationalityCountryCode": "ES", "countryOfIssuanceCode": "ES", "ocr": null, "email": "", "phoneNumber": "1-(617)713-0995", "allowMarketing": null, "allowThirdParty": null, "language": null, "reservationRoomStayGuestCustomFieldValueSet":[ { "code": "SMOKER", "booleanValue": true, "dateValue": null, "name": "Smoker", "numberValue": null, "stringValue": null, "customField": { "id": 1, "code": "SMOKER", "name": "Smoker" }, "selectValue":null, "multiSelectValueList":null } ] } ], "reservationRoomStayDaily": [ { "date": "2023-09-11", "allotment": {"id":2}, "rate": { "id": 77 }, "amountAfterTax": 219.000000, "currency": { "id": 1 }, "offer": null, "promotion": null, "board": { "id": 7 }, "paymentType": { "id": 6 }, "propertyPolicy": { "id": 12 }, "propertySource": { "id": 14 }, "propertySegment": { "id": 32 }, "propertyChannel": { "id": 7 }, "booker": { "id": 470 }, "billTo": { "id": 1067 }, "central": null, "company": null, "reservationGroup": null }, { "date": "2023-09-12", "allotment": {"id":2}, "rate": { "id": 77 }, "amountAfterTax": 219.000000, "currency": { "id": 1 }, "offer": null, "promotion": null, "board": { "id": 7 }, "paymentType": { "id": 6 }, "propertyPolicy": { "id": 12 }, "propertySource": { "id": 14 }, "propertySegment": { "id": 32 }, "propertyChannel": { "id": 7 }, "booker": { "id": 470 }, "billTo": { "id": 1067 }, "central": null, "company": null, "reservationGroup": null } ], "reservationRoomStayServiceList": [ { "service": { "id": 89 }, "startDate": "2023-09-11", "endDate": "2023-09-13", "quantity": 1, "reservationRoomStayServiceDailyList": [ { "date": "2023-09-11", "rate": null, "amount": 10.000000, "amountAfterTax": 10.000000, "currency": { "id": 1 }, "offer": null, "offerAmountDiscount": null, "offerPercentDiscount": null, "promotion": null, "promotionAmountDiscount": null, "promotionPercentDiscount": null, "bookerPercentageCommission": null, "bookerAmountCommission": null, "billToPercentageCommission": null, "billToAmountCommission": null, "billToPercentageDiscount": null, "billToAmountDiscount": null, "centralPercentageCommission": null, "centralAmountCommission": null, "companyPercentageCommission": null, "companyAmountCommission": null, "postingDate": null }, { "date": "2023-09-12", "rate": null, "amount": 10.000000, "amountAfterDiscount": 10.000000, "amountAfterTax": 10.000000, "amountBeforeTax": 9.090909, "amountNetAfterTax": 10.000000, "amountNetBeforeTax": 9.090909, "amountInvoiceAfterTax": 10.000000, "amountInvoiceBeforeTax": 9.090909, "currency": { "id": 1 }, "offer": null, "offerAmountDiscount": null, "offerPercentDiscount": null, "promotion": null, "promotionAmountDiscount": null, "promotionPercentDiscount": null, "bookerPercentageCommission": null, "bookerAmountCommission": null, "billToPercentageCommission": null, "billToAmountCommission": null, "billToPercentageDiscount": null, "billToAmountDiscount": null, "centralPercentageCommission": null, "centralAmountCommission": null, "companyPercentageCommission": null, "companyAmountCommission": null, "postingDate": null } ] } ] } ], "createdDate": "2021-06-24T15:54:16.890Z", "modifiedDate": "2021-06-24T16:32:29.219Z", "deposit": { "productPayment" : { "code" : "VI" }, "amount" : 100, "productDeposit" : { "code" : "DEPRE" }, "chargeId":"ch_3MA9wDGjGBQ6ROtO0Rm9mtudss" }, "reservationRoomStayCustomFieldValueSet":[ { "id": null, "code": "SMOKER", "booleanValue": true, "dateValue": null, "name": "Smoker", "numberValue": null, "stringValue": null, "customField": { "id": 1, "code": "SMOKER", "name": "Smoker" }, "selectValue":null, "multiSelectValueList":null }, { "code": "TEST", "name": "Test multi", "customField": { "id": 6, "code": "PROFILECUSTOMER", "name": "Profile Customer" }, "multiSelectValueList": [ { "id": 2, "name": "opt2", "order": 1 }, { "id": 1, "name": "opt1", "order": 0 } ] } ] }
Property | Type | Required | Description |
ResponseApiMessage | ResponseApiMessage | true | Description of the response of the success operation |
Example response
{ "httpStatus": "201", "userMessage": "Success", "technicalMessage": "Success reservation inserted ", "errorCode": "0", "moreInfo": "0", "id": 4017, "entity": null, "responseApiErrorList": null }