ReservationRoomStay List by Chain [GET]
Returns a paginated list of ReservationRoomStay
Property | Type | Required | Type parameter | Default value | Description |
chainId | int | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the chain. | |
otaLocator | String | false | request parameter | ||
pmsLocator | String | false | request parameter | ||
crsLocator | String | false | request parameter | ||
cmLocator | String | false | request parameter | ||
arrivalFrom | date | false | request parameter | ||
arrivalTo | date | false | request parameter | ||
departureFrom | date | false | request parameter | ||
departureTo | date | false | request parameter | ||
stayFrom | date | false | request parameter | ||
stayTo | date | false | request parameter | ||
createdFrom | dateTime | false | request parameter | ||
createdTo | dateTime | false | request parameter | ||
modifiedFrom | dateTime | false | request parameter | ||
modifiedTo | dateTime | false | request parameter | ||
cancelledFrom | dateTime | false | request parameter | ||
cancelledTo | dateTime | false | request parameter | ||
reservationStatusTypeId | list of int | false | request parameter | ||
reservationSituationTypeId | list of int | false | request parameter | ||
chainLoyaltyIdList | list of int | false | request parameter | ||
roomIdList | list of int | false | request parameter | ||
reservationIdList | list of int | false | request parameter | ||
reservationRoomStayIdList | list of int | false | request parameter | ||
offset | int | false | request parameter | ||
limit | int | false | request parameter | ||
sort | string | false | request parameter | ||
sortMode | string | false | request parameter |
Example request
Property | Type | Required | Description |
Page | Page | true |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | int | false | Unique identifier for the Reservation. |
reservationStatusType | ReservationStatusType | false | Status |
reservationSituationType | ReservationSituationType | false | Situation of the Reservation Room Stay |
arrival | string | false | Date of arrival (yyyy-MM-dd). |
departure | string | false | Date of departure (yyyy-MM-dd). |
arrivalTime | string | false | Time of arrival (HH:mm:ss). |
departureTime | string | false | Time of arrival (HH:mm:ss). |
quantity | int | false | Amount of accommodations |
accommodation | Accommodation | false | The type of Acoommodation |
room | Room | false | Room asigned. |
adult | int | false | Amount of adults. |
junior | int | false | Amount of juniors. |
child | int | false | Amount of childs. |
infant | int | false | Amount of infants. |
accomodationAmount | bigDecimal | false | Amount of the accomodation. |
boardAmount | bigDecimal | false | Amount of the boards. |
serviceAmount | bigDecimal | false | Amount of the services. |
totalAmount | bigDecimal | false | Total amount of the stay. |
productFee | Fee | false | The type of fee applied to this ReservationRoomStay |
pmsLocator | string | false | Locator used in the PMS. |
crsLocator | string | false | Locator used in the CRS. |
otaLocator | string | false | Locator used in the OTA. |
cmLocator | string | false | Locator used in the CM. |
remark | string | false | |
reservationRoomStayGuests | Array of ReservationRoomStayGuest | true | Guests that has this ReservationRoomStay. |
mainBoard | Board | true | Board associated to this ReservationRoomStay. |
reservationRoomStayDaily | Array of ReservationRoomStayDaily | true | |
reservationRoomStayServiceList | Array of ReservationRoomStayService | true | |
createdDate | LocalDateTime | false | |
modifiedDate | LocalDateTime | false | |
mainBooker | Company | false | |
mainBillTo | Company | false | |
mainCentral | Company | false | |
mainCompany | Company | false | |
mainRate | Rate | false | |
mainOffer | Offer | false | |
mainPromotion | Promotion | false | |
deposit | ReservationDeposit | false | |
reservationType | ReservationType | false | |
reservationRoomStayCustomFieldValueSet | List<ReservationRoomStayCustomFieldValue> | false | |
Property | Property | false |
Example response
{ "count": 7, "offset": 0, "limit": 1, "list": [ { "id": 11766, "reservationStatusType": { "id": 1, "code": "RES", "name": "Reserved", "nameI18n": "Reserved", "colorCode": "#43a047" }, "reservationSituationType": { "id": 1, "code": "PRO", "name": "Prospect", "active": true, "inactiveReason": null, "applyInReservation": true, "applyInReservationGroup": true, "checkExpiredDate": false, "countReserved": false, "removeFromInventory": false, "tentative": false }, "arrival": "2021-08-01", "departure": "2021-08-02", "arrivalTime": null, "departureTime": null, "quantity": 1, "accommodation": { "id": 707, "name": "Double", "roomType": { "id": 17, "name": "Double", "nameI18n": "Double", "mainImage": "1/2/propertyroomtypeimages/6e8184e4-ecc6-4d86-a56d-24d3776688df.jpg" } }, "room": null, "adult": 2, "junior": 0, "child": 0, "infant": 0, "accommodationAmount": null, "boardAmount": null, "serviceAmount": null, "totalAmount": null, "productFee": { "id": 812, "name": "City Tax Barcelona" }, "pmsLocator": "ALI00006915/11766", "crsLocator": null, "otaLocator": null, "cmLocator": null, "remark": null, "reservationRoomStayGuests": [{ "id": 22045, "documentType": null, "documentNumber": null, "givenName": "test", "surName": "test", "secondSurName": null, "genderType": null, "birthDate": null, "birthCountryCode": null, "birthPlace": null, "effectiveDate": null, "expireDate": null, "street": null, "city": null, "stateProvName": null, "stateProvCode": null, "countryCode": "ES", "postalCode": null, "nationalityCountryCode": null, "countryOfIssuanceCode": null, "ocr": null, "email": null, "phoneNumber": null, "allowMarketing": null, "allowThirdParty": null, "language": { "id": 1, "code": "ES", "name": "Spanish", "nameI18n": "Spanish" } }], "mainBoard": { "id": 5, "code": "RO", "name": "Room Only", "serviceList": null }, "reservationRoomStayDaily": [{ "id": 56374, "date": "2021-08-01", "room": null, "allotment": null, "rate": null, "amountBeforeTax": 0.000000, "amountAfterTax": 0.000000, "amountNetAfterTax": 0.000000, "amountNetBeforeTax": 0.000000, "amountInvoiceAfterTax": 0.000000, "amountInvoiceBeforeTax": 0.000000, "accommodationAmount": 0.000000, "accommodationAmountAfterDiscount": 0.000000, "accommodationAmountAfterTax": 0.000000, "accommodationAmountBeforeTax": 0.000000, "accommodationAmountNetAfterTax": 0.000000, "accommodationAmountNetBeforeTax": 0.000000, "accommodationAmountInvoiceAfterTax": 0.000000, "accommodationAmountInvoiceBeforeTax": 0.000000, "centralAccommodationPercentageCommission": null, "centralAccommodationAmountCommission": null, "centralBoardPercentageCommission": null, "centralBoardAmountCommission": null, "companyAccommodationPercentageCommission": null, "companyAccommodationAmountCommission": null, "companyBoardPercentageCommission": null, "companyBoardAmountCommission": null, "bookerAccommodationPercentageCommission": null, "bookerAccommodationAmountCommission": null, "bookerBoardPercentageCommission": null, "bookerBoardAmountCommission": null, "billToAccommodationPercentageCommission": null, "billToAccommodationAmountCommission": null, "billToBoardPercentageCommission": null, "billToBoardAmountCommission": null, "billToAccommodationPercentageDiscount": null, "billToAccommodationAmountDiscount": null, "billToBoardPercentageDiscount": null, "billToBoardAmountDiscount": null, "currency": { "id": 1, "code": "EUR", "name": "Euro", "nameI18n": "Euro", "symbol": "€", "decimalPlaces": 2 }, "offer": null, "offerAmountDiscount": null, "offerPercentDiscount": null, "promotion": null, "promotionAmountDiscount": null, "promotionPercentDiscount": null, "board": { "id": 5, "code": "RO", "name": "Room Only", "serviceList": null }, "boardAmountAfterDiscountAdult": 0.000000, "boardAmountAdult": 0.000000, "boardAmountAfterTaxAdult": 0.000000, "boardAmountBeforeTaxAdult": 0.000000, "boardAmountNetAfterTaxAdult": 0.000000, "boardAmountNetBeforeTaxAdult": 0.000000, "boardAmountInvoiceAfterTaxAdult": 0.000000, 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"extension": "1", "remark": null }, "propertyEmail": { "id": 1, "primary": false, "email": "", "remark": null }, "chainPropertyGroupList": null } } ... ] }