

idIntegertrueUnique identificator of the Room.
codestringtrueCode of the Room
namestringtrueName of the Room
startDateLocalDatefalseStart date of Room
endDateLocalDatefalseEnd date of Room
descriptionstringfalseDescription of Room.
descriptionI18nstringfalseDescription of Room in I18n.
roomSituationTypeRoomSituationTypetrueSituation of the Room (see ref. table).


RoomSpaceStatusTypefalseStatus of the inner Space.
reservationRoomStayReservationRoomStayfalseRelated stay that has this Room assigned.
reservationRoomStaySummaryReservationRoomStaySummaryfalseRelated stay summary that has this room assigned. Only show if have data.
spaceLockSpaceLockfalseSpace lock. Only show if have data.
roomTypeRoomTypefalseRoom Type. Only show if have data.

JSON representation

      "id": 1,
      "code": "101",
      "name": "R101",
      "startDate": "2023-09-23",
      "endDate": "2024-09-23",
      "description": "Room 101, at first floor.",
      "descriptionI18n": "Room 101, at first floor.",
	  "roomSituationType": {
		  "id": 1,
		  "code": "EM",
		  "name": "Empty"
      "roomSpaceStatusType": null,
	  "reservationRoomStay": null, 
	  "roomType": null