Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | int | true (only in UPDATE proccess) | Id of the Company. |
name | string | true | Name of the Company. |
code | string | true | Generated code from the name of the company. |
taxId | string | true | TaxId of the Company. |
companyEmailList | List of CompanyEmail | false | |
companyAddressList | List of CompanyAddress | false | |
companyPhoneList | List of CompanyPhone | false | |
companyTaxAddress | CompanyTaxAddress | false | |
remark | String | false | |
assignedUser | User | false | only show: userName |
profileType | profileType | false | |
companyCustomFieldValueList | List of CompanyCustomFieldValue | false | |
customerProfileList | List of CustomerProfile | false | |
extendedName | String | false | |
paymentType | PaymentType | false | |
payment | Payment | false | |
paymentMode | PaymentMode | false | |
taxDocumentType | TaxDocumentType | false | |
chainSource | ChainSource | false | |
chainSegment | ChainSegment | false | |
chainChannel | ChainSegment | false | |
language | Language | false | |
chainProfileGroup | ChainProfileGroup | false | |
reservationPriceModelType | ReservationPriceModelType | false |
JSON representation
{ "id": 1022, "name": "Gabtype", "code": "GABTY1", "taxId": "844031000", "companyEmailList": [ { "id": 1022, "primary": true, "emailAddressType": { "id": 1, "code": "1", "name": "Personal", "nameI18n": "Personal" }, "email": "", "remark": null } ], "companyAddressList": [ { "id": 1022, "primary": true, "communicationLocationType": { "id": 1, "code": "1", "name": "Home", "nameI18n": "Home" }, "street": "70 Sage Way", "city": "Ogden", "stateProvName": "La Coruña", "stateProvCode": "ES-C", "postalCode": "84403", "countryCode": "ES", "remark": "Address Remark" } ], "companyPhoneList": [ { "id": 1022, "primary": true, "phoneLocationType": { "id": 6, "code": "6", "name": "Home", "nameI18n": "Home" }, "phoneTechType": { "id": 1, "code": "1", "name": "Voice", "nameI18n": "Voice" }, "countryAccessCode": "+34", "areaCityCode": "B", "phoneNumber": "1-(801)295-4667", "extension": "1", "remark": "Phone Remark" } ], "companyTaxAddress": { "id": 1003, "communicationLocationType": null, "street": "70 Sage Way", "city": "Ogden", "stateProvName": "Jaén", "stateProvCode": "ES-J", "municipalityName": null, "municipalityCode": null, "postalCode": "84403", "countryCode": "ES", "remark": "Address Remark" }, "remark": "Company Remarks", "assignedUser": null, "profileType": { "id": 2, "code": "2", "name": "Company", "nameI18n": "Company", "colorCode": "#00ACC1" }, "companyCustomFieldValueList": [ { "id": null, "code": "NATIONAL", "name": "National", "customFieldId": 5, "booleanValue": null, "numberValue": null, "stringValue": null, "dateValue": null, "selectValue": null, "multiSelectValueList": null } ], "customerProfileList": null, "extendedName": null, "paymentType": { "id": 5, "code": "AG", "name": "Pay Agency Guest" }, "payment": null, "paymentMode": null, "taxDocumentType": { "id": 1, "code": "00", "name": "National Id Document", "nameI18n": "National Id Document" }, "chainSource": null, "chainSegment": null, "chainChannel": null, "language": null, "chainProfileGroup": null, "reservationPriceModelType": null }