

companyCompanytrueCompany related to the ProformaProductCommission.
quantityIntegertrueNumber of elements of this type of Product.
productProducttrueProduct related to the ProformaProductCommission.
nameStringtrueName of this commission.
priceBigDecimaltruePrice in the related Currency.
currencyCurrencytrueCurrency related to this proformaProductCommission
amountBigDecimalfalseFixed amount of commission that the company will take off the total price.
percentageBigDecimalfalsePercent of commission that the company will take off the total price.

JSON representation

	"company": {
		"id": 1,
		"code": "BK",
		"name": "Booking"
	"quantity": 1,
	"product": {
		"id": 512,
		"name": "Commission",
		"productType": {
			"id": 6,
			"code": "COM",
			"name": "Commission"
	"name": "Commission",
	"price": 32.467293,
	"currency": {
		"id": 1,
		"code": "EUR",
		"name": "Euro"
	"amount": 0.5,
	"percentage": 5