Property | Type | Required | Type parameter | Default value | Description |
chainId | Integer | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the chain. | |
propertyId | Integer | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the property. | |
reservartionRoomStayId | Integer | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the reservationRoomStay. |
Example request
The response is a list of Deposit objects or an error if it's not found.
StatusType of this DepositField Type Required Description id Integer true Unique identifier for the Deposit. name String true Name of the Deposit. company Company false Company associated to this Deposit customer Customer false Customer associated to this Deposit travelAgent TravelAgent false TravelAgent associated to this Deposit product Product true Product associated to this Deposit consumptionDate LocalDate true Date when the Deposit was created price BigDecimal true Amount of this Deposit spent BigDecimal true refund BigDecimal true remaining BigDecimal true currency Currency true Currency associated to this Deposit depositStatusType DepositStatusType true reservationRoomStaySummary ReservationRoomStaySummary false reservationSummary ReservationSummary false reservationGroup ReservationGroup false
Example response
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