Folio List POS [GET]


Version minifield of the list folio, use for POS.



PropertyTypeRequiredType parameterDefault valueDescription
chainIdIntegertruepath parameter
Unique identificator of the chain.
propertyIdIntegertruepath parameter
Unique identificator of the property.
onlyExtrasBooleanfalserequest parameterfalseOnly gets extra folios for each reservationRoomStay, and if there are not any of that kind, it gets the first main folio. 
roomIdIntegerfalserequest parameter

roomCodeStringfalserequest parameter

roomNameStringfalserequest parameter

folioCodeStringfalserequest parameter

reservationStatusTypeIdIntegerfalserequest parameter

This parameter will return folios of reservations that were marked in a specific status

If value is:

1- Status is Reserved

2- Status is Cancelled

3- Status is NoShow

4- Status is inHouse

5- Status is Checkedout

offsetIntegerfalserequest parameter0Offset of the array of results.
limitIntegerfalserequest parameter10Limit of results.
sortstringfalserequest parameteridProperty of the entity to sort by.
sortModestringfalserequest parameterAscMode of sorting.

Example request



PagePagetrueDescription of the response of the success operation


The entity returned is a Page with a list of Folios. Description of the Folio entity:


idinttrueUnique identifier for the Product.
codestringfalseCode of the folio
sequenceinttrueSequence of the folio
serieinttrueNumbered serie of the Folio.
namestringtrueName of the Folio.
folioTypestringtrueType of the Folio.
roomRoomPOSfalseRoom where the Folio is linked to.
reservationRoomStaySummaryReservationRoomStaySummaryPOSfalseReservationRoomStay where the Folio is linked to.

    "count": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 10,
    "list": [
            "id": 48,
            "sequence": 124,
            "code": "109",
            "serie": 1,
            "name": "Maëlle Diaz, Katherine",
            "folioType": {
                "id": 1,
                "code": "M",
                "name": "Main",
                "nameI18n": "Main"
            "room": {
                "id": 9,
                "code": "109"
            "reservationRoomStaySummary": {
                "id": 19,
                "arrival": "2023-12-24",
                "departure": "2024-01-11",
                "adult": 4,
                "board": {
                    "id": 5,
                    "chainBoardId": 1,
                    "code": "RO",
                    "name": "Room Only",
                    "nameI18n": "Room Only",
                    "serviceList": null
                "guest": "Maëlle Diaz, Katherine",
                "hasCredit": true,
                "creditAvailable": null,
                "customerPreference": null,
                "reservationRoomStayGuestList": [
                        "id": 44,
                        "profileId": 1338,
                        "documentType": {
                            "id": 5,
                            "code": "D",
                            "name": "National identity document",
                            "nameI18n": "National identity document"
                        "documentNumber": "sZuPwCRi",
                        "givenName": "Katherine",
                        "surName": "Maëlle",
                        "secondSurName": "Diaz",
                        "genderType": {
                            "id": 1,
                            "code": "M",
                            "name": "Male",
                            "nameI18n": "Male"
                        "birthDate": "2006-01-16",
                        "birthCountryCode": "ES",
                        "birthPlace": "Cincinnati",
                        "effectiveDate": "2023-01-16",
                        "expireDate": "2026-01-16",
                        "street": "9490 Manufacturers Alley",
                        "city": "Cincinnati",
                        "stateProvName": null,
                        "stateProvCode": "ES-BI",
                        "countryCode": "ES",
                        "postalCode": "45203",
                        "nationalityCountryCode": "ES",
                        "countryOfIssuanceCode": "ES",
                        "ocr": null,
                        "email": "",
                        "phoneNumber": "1-(513)398-3146",
                        "allowMarketing": null,
                        "allowThirdParty": null,
                        "language": null,
                        "registrationNumber": 39,
                        "reservationRoomStayGuestCustomFieldValueSet": null