

idIntegertrueUnique identifier for the HousekeepingTaskDailyModule.
housekeepingTaskDailyHousekeepingTaskDailytrueHousekeepingTaskDaily related to this HousekeepingTaskDailyModule.
moduleModuletrueModule related to this HousekeepingTaskDailyModule.
instructionStringfalseText to clarify the content of the task.
taskStatusTypeTaskStatusTypetrueStatus of the task.
adultsCheckinIntegerfalseNumber of adults that should checkin today in the Module.
adultsInHouseIntegerfalseNumber of adults that are in house today in the Module.
checkinBooleanfalseReturns if there is a checkin that day in the Module.
checkoutBooleanfalseReturns if there is a checkout that day in the Module.
assemblyBooleanfalseReturns if there is an assembly that day in the Module.
estimatedTimeHoursIntegerfalseEstimated hours for the task in that Module
estimatedTimeMinutesIntegerfalseEstimated minutes for the task in that Module
statusIntegerfalseStatus of the Module
situationStringfalseSituation of the Module

JSON representation

	"id": 48,
	"createdDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:14.110Z",
	"modifiedDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:16.580Z",
	"createdUser": 0,
	"modifiedUser": 0,
	"module": {
		"id": 8,
		"createdDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:04.070Z",
		"modifiedDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:06.537Z",
		"createdUser": 0,
		"modifiedUser": 0,
		"property": null,
		"code": "108",
		"name": "M108",
		"floor": {
			"id": 1,
			"createdDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:03.290Z",
			"modifiedDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:05.757Z",
			"createdUser": 0,
			"modifiedUser": 0,
			"code": "1",
			"name": "Floor 1",
			"order": 1
		"moduleStatusType": {
			"id": 1,
			"code": "CL",
			"name": "Clean",
			"colorCode": "#4caf50",
			"nameI18n": "Clean"
		"roomModuleSet": null,
		"moduleLockSet": null,
		"hasIssue": false
	"taskStatusType": {
		"id": 1,
		"code": "1",
		"name": "ToDo",
		"nameI18n": "ToDo",
		"colorCode": "#ffffff"
	"housekeepingTaskDailyModuleFacilityTaskSet": [],
	"estimatedTimeHours": 0,
	"estimatedTimeMinutes": 0,
	"situation": "",
	"adultsInHouse": 0,
	"status": 1,
	"checkin": false,
	"checkout": false,
	"assembly": false