Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | true | Unique identifier for the HousekeepingTaskDailyModule. |
housekeepingTaskDaily | HousekeepingTaskDaily | true | HousekeepingTaskDaily related to this HousekeepingTaskDailyModule. |
module | Module | true | Module related to this HousekeepingTaskDailyModule. |
instruction | String | false | Text to clarify the content of the task. |
taskStatusType | TaskStatusType | true | Status of the task. |
adultsCheckin | Integer | false | Number of adults that should checkin today in the Module. |
adultsInHouse | Integer | false | Number of adults that are in house today in the Module. |
checkin | Boolean | false | Returns if there is a checkin that day in the Module. |
checkout | Boolean | false | Returns if there is a checkout that day in the Module. |
assembly | Boolean | false | Returns if there is an assembly that day in the Module. |
estimatedTimeHours | Integer | false | Estimated hours for the task in that Module |
estimatedTimeMinutes | Integer | false | Estimated minutes for the task in that Module |
status | Integer | false | Status of the Module |
situation | String | false | Situation of the Module |
JSON representation
{ "id": 48, "createdDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:14.110Z", "modifiedDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:16.580Z", "createdUser": 0, "modifiedUser": 0, "module": { "id": 8, "createdDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:04.070Z", "modifiedDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:06.537Z", "createdUser": 0, "modifiedUser": 0, "property": null, "code": "108", "name": "M108", "floor": { "id": 1, "createdDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:03.290Z", "modifiedDate": "2018-09-18T11:22:05.757Z", "createdUser": 0, "modifiedUser": 0, "code": "1", "name": "Floor 1", "order": 1 }, "moduleStatusType": { "id": 1, "code": "CL", "name": "Clean", "colorCode": "#4caf50", "nameI18n": "Clean" }, "roomModuleSet": null, "moduleLockSet": null, "hasIssue": false }, "taskStatusType": { "id": 1, "code": "1", "name": "ToDo", "nameI18n": "ToDo", "colorCode": "#ffffff" }, "housekeepingTaskDailyModuleFacilityTaskSet": [], "estimatedTimeHours": 0, "estimatedTimeMinutes": 0, "situation": "", "adultsInHouse": 0, "status": 1, "checkin": false, "checkout": false, "assembly": false }