Information of the operation
Property | Type | Required | Type parameter | Default value | Description |
chainId | Integer | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the chain. | |
propertyId | Integer | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the property. | |
spaceId | Integer | true | path parameter | Unique identificator of the Space. | |
spaceLock | spaceLock | true | indicate lock. |
Example request
POST https://publicapi-providers.ulysescloud.com:9797/public/api/v1/con/chain/1/property/2/space/1/lock
An element of type Posting.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
productId | int | true | Unique identifier for the Product. |
quantity | int | true | Amount of elements in the Posting. |
amountAfterTax | float | true | Resultant price of the Posting. |
foodAmountAfterTax | float | false | Resultant price of the Posting dedicated to food. |
beverageAmountAfterTax | float | false | Resultant price of the Posting dedicated to beverage. |
othersAmountAfterTax | float | false | Resultant price of the Posting dedicated to Others. |
ticket | Ticket | false | Ticket element with the details of the Posting. |
currency | Currency | true | Currency of the price. |
autoPriceItem | Boolean | false | Indicates, if the amountAfterTaxis is null, and the item has no price is null, the price of the TicketItem, will be established by the PMS |
Example body
{ "startDate":"2022-02-01", "endDate": "2022-02-02", "remark": "WC ROTO", "spaceLockStatusType": { "id": 1 }, "spaceLockType": { "id":1 } }
Property | Type | Required | Description |
responseApiMessage | ResponseApiMessage | true | Response of the operation. |
Example response
{ "httpStatus": "201", "userMessage": "Success", "technicalMessage": "Success spaceLock inserted", "errorCode": "0", "id": 1 }