Ulyses Connections allows third parties to complete the payment of a room's pending amount. To pay the full amount of a room we recommend you to follow the steps:
- If the room did not check in yet we will request the amount in the proformas. To do this:
- Request the list of proformas to get the amount contracted Post payment Get the reservation roomstay pending amount
- Pay the amount that is pending through the following endpoint
Please note the following when this process is completed
- If the
- Request the list of folios and filter by reservationRoomStay to know the new amount pending
- Post payment through the previous endpoint
As opposite, we will just need to add a payment in a room. To do that:
- We will request the list of folios and we will filter by room
- Add payment to the correspondent folio roomstay you are about to pay is Reserved, Ulyses Cloud will create a deposit linked to this roomstay
- If the roomstay is inHouse, Ulyses Cloud will add a payment on the folio and will close it
- If the roomstay is checked out, cancelled or no-show you can expect an exception